Friday, November 19, 2010

Painter? I Hardly Knew Her.

My sweet sister and my mannishly sweet brother in law helped me finish painting the house today.

O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! It looks mahvellous.

Pictures tell the tale.  

South Side--My late fall sunshine/heat!

John 'mans' the ladder, 'cause I exceed the weight limit.


Bear said...

Looking good. Sorry I couldn't be there to help.

Charlie said...

Thanx Bear. My 65 year old crippled sister and her 62 year old crippled husband say don't worry about not coming.

Nope; don't worry at all.

Ok; gotta go get more poltices for them to put on their sore muscles.


Mike said...

Looks great, brother. Glad you are getting some good weather to get it winterized and ready for a sleep over soon!

Anonymous said...

You have a sister who is 65 YEARS OLD! Frightening!

Charlie said...

Yeah, but she's going on 35, so.

Anonymous said...

"Thirty-five? In what, DOG Years, Blanche?"