This is the same location that we are standing in on photos taken last May where my sister is trying to hear the noises of the woods while her son wipes the allergy tears from his eyes.
Hard to believe it's the same place, but at least now there's some cleared area where one can at least picture a house being (and measure for it/drive stakes in).
The first one shows the view north towards where my house site would be; that orange spot between those two 'flags' on the tree limbs that you can spy between the trees is the site itself, so I'm about 25 yards away.
The second pic is looking east north east towards the top of the field.
Third, you can see the 'greening' of the site in the past two weeks as March comes on with warmer weather; also, you can see the old logging road that has a rock base--this will be the driveway one day, perhaps. The other issue or bad news is we don't know how far under the dirt this rock lies under the house site(s).
Final pic is looking south south east towards the bottom of the field--it can somewhat be seen through the foliage. I'd like to put a stone garden shed down in that little 'peninsular' area to the upper left of the photo.